PhD. in Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
University of Rio Cuarto
I am a Full-time Professor (Adjunto) in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Río Cuarto, and a Researcher (Asistente) at CONICET.
I finished my Phd thesis in 2015 under the supervision of Tom Maibaum at McMaster University, Canada. The topic of my thesis is on Default Logic, a particular take on Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
From 2015 to 2017 I worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the McMaster Centre for Software Certification (McSCERT), Canada.
In 2017, thanks to a CONICET Postdoctoral Scholarship, I returned to Argentina and joined the Logics, Interaction and Intelligent Systems (LIIS) group led by Carlos Areces. Ever since, I have been working on the intersection between Logic and Computer Science using tools from the world of Modal Logics.
In 2019 I joined the Department of Mathematics of the National University of Rio Cuarto as a Full-time Professor (Adjunto). In the Math department I am in charge of logic and programming courses for math and CS students.
In 2021 I joined CONICET as a Researcher (Asistente).
My research interests include:
Non-monotonic Reasoning. Default Logics. Deontic Logics. Algebraic Logic. Dynamic Logics. Epistemic Logics. Logics with Data. Tableaux Systems.
06/23 | I am trilled to announce that my project ‘Nonmonotonic Logics via Modal Logics’ was granted funding by Agencia I+D+i |
01/22 | Our group (LIIS) incorporated 1 (one) new PhD candidate funded by CONICET. Congrats Juliana. |
09/20 | Our paper Default Modal Systems as Algebraic Updates (V. Cassano, R. Fervari, C. Areces, and P. Castro) was accepted for publication at DaLi 2020. |
06/20 | Our paper Deontic Action Logics via Algebra (P. Castro, V. Cassano, R. Fervari, and C. Areces) was accepted for publication at DEON2020/2021. |
03/20 | I joined CONICET as a Researcher (Investigador Asistente). |